Kim Poovey
Best Selling Author and Speaker
Book Clubs
Kim is available to speak at book club gatherings, locally or virtually, about her books and authorship. Please contact her for special rates on bulk orders for book club groups.

Book 1 in the Dreamist series

Book 2 in the Dreamist series
Book 3 in the
Dreamist series

A novella
Dreamist series

First in the Shadows trilogy

Second in the Shadows
Sentimental Strands
Discover the sentimental endearments of the 19th century such as friendship albums, mourning practices, and hair work. Displays of antique items are shared as well as demonstrations of the intricate gimp work done to create hair wreaths.
Presentation lasts approximately 40 minutes and pairs well with museum and historical society lectures, or groups interested in the delicate pastimes of Victorian ladies.

Haunted History
Every season is haunted.
Find out why

Discover the history behind our fascination with spirits and hauntings. Ghost stories are shared, adding a spine-tingling experience to the event.
This performance pairs well with haunted tea parties, museum exhibits, or dessert gatherings, and lasts approximately 35 minutes.

YouTube @kimpoovey3G

Discover the 19th century origins of Christmas traditions still celebrated today. In addition, heart-warming Christmas stories envelop audience members in the warmth of the season.
Customize the performance by choosing the narration of Emma Victoria Brown or Charles Dickens's daughter, Mamie Dickens.
This performance pairs well with dinner club events, tea parties, or Christmas gatherings, and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

For more information contact