A haunting we will go!
The time for book two of the Haunting series is fast approaching. The Haunting of Edgefield Manor is set for release in November. The cover is done (and it’s fabulous), the final edits are being completed, and my marketing consultant at Wildscriber is creating the graphics for social media.

Thank you to those who have read the first in the series, The Haunting of Monroe Manse, and are anxiously anticipating the sequel! If you’ve not had the opportunity to delve into the haunted life of Sarah Holden, an antiques and estate dealer who lives in the small town of Beaufort, SC, I will be discounting the Kindle version to .99 cents for the month of November.

Gateway to Monroe Manse
If you'd like a sneak preview into Sarah’s ghost-a-pades in the delightfully haunted town of Edgefield, SC, I am currently looking for beta readers. In early November, I will provide a digital copy of the book for you to read in exchange for feedback and a review on Amazon the day of its release (currently, November 30th). If you’re interested, please PM me on FB messenger or email me at kimpoovey@gmail.com.
Thank you in advance for your continued support! I appreciate all of you!
Happy Haunting,
Vicrtorian Lady Kim
P.S. Go to my website, kimpoovey.com to sign up for my monthly newsletter!