Cozy Horror
Spooky stories have intrigued me since childhood which is crazy since I was terrified of ghosts and monsters. My favorite stories growing up were A Christmas Carol and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. As horror goes, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is rather mild. No gross slasher stuff, just scary innuendos that play on the mind.

It’s no surprise I would end up writing haunted stories. All of my books have a ghost in them even though some are more historical while others are outright haunted. This leads to a problem when identifying my genre. Technically, my Dreamist series falls into the horror genre. However, it’s not an easy fit. I write spooky, old-fashioned ghost stories. There are no gory scenes, satanism, or animal cruelty (animals are never harmed in my books). Since my books didn’t fit into the general description of horror, I decided to coin my own phrase (which I’ve since discovered has been used by others although not widespread at this time). Cozy Horror is the genre I've chosen. This also applies to the books I read and the movies/TV shows I watch. Here are a few of my favorites:

Cozy horror films:
· The Addams Family movies (real and animated)
· What Lies Beneath
· Winchester
· 1408
· Beetlejuice
· Young Frankenstein
Cozy Horror TV shows/series:
· The Haunting of Hill House (best haunted show ever),
· Wednesday
· Locke and Key
· The Munsters
· Dark Shadows
· The Addams Family
Cozy Horror books:
· The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
· Anything by Darcy Coates especially Ghost Camera, Gallows Hill, The Carrow Haunt, Craven Manor, and The Haunting of Gillespie House.
· How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
· The Headless Doll by Mike Ford
· Dead Girl’s Diary by K. R. Alexander
· Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
· Ghosts of Black Mountain by Anne Hite

For most people, October is spooky season but for those of us who love a good, old-fashioned scare, every season is spooky season.
Happy Haunting!