Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Snafus and Stained Glass.
The bathroom renovation continues to move forward with some minor snafus to report. Because we live in an old house, we have gas heat...
Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Literally.
A little background on the plumbing at our house before we tackle the glitch. The person who redid the plumbing before we bought the...
Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Tub Reveal!
As you know, we found a five and a half foot claw foot tub at an antique mall on Sullivan's Island a few years ago. It was in rough shape...
Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Living Room Storage
Now that the bathroom is gutted, the living room and kitchen have become storage for all the lovely things awaiting installation. Hot...
Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Demo Day!
Demo day is always exciting and frightening when you have an old house. As I said in my previous post, there were floor tiles halfway up...