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Autumn bliss and other November musings...

This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the golden hues of the sun as it hangs low in the sky and the colorful explosion of trees preparing for a long winter slumber. The colors in the Lowcountry aren’t as vibrant as other parts of the country, but there are certain signs that the holiday season is approaching.

We are blessed with several camellia bushes in our yard (five to be exact) that bloom in various stages. The first to open its buds is the one at the corner of our porch. This bush boasts bright pink petals with gold centers. The second sign is the ripening of oranges on the orange tree at the other corner of the porch. The first few years we lived here, the tree did nothing. In fact, we didn’t even know what kind of tree it was. We called it the wicked-bad-killer tree because it had huge spikes up and down its trunk and branches that could take out an eye if you got too close (we trimmed off the lower spikes to protect the dogs). Several years ago, we were shocked when oranges started forming. Since then, the tree produces approximately 200+ oranges each season.

Nevertheless, these are the signs that the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are forthcoming. As I sit here typing this, I can see the oranges in their greenish-yellow state. They won’t be ready until January, but it’s fun to watch them ripen with great anticipation for their sugary sweet pulp.

I pray you had an amazing Thanksgiving. I am forever thankful for all of you and appreciate your friendship and support of my writing. I know this sounds like a bit of a cliché, but I truly feel I have the best and most loyal readers in the world! Many of you have become good friends and for that I am eternally grateful!

Writer’s Corner

Nanowrimo, yes or no?

It’s November, which for many writers across the country means National Novel Writing Month, aka Nanowrimo. This is my fourth year participating in this month-long writing spree. The requirement is to write 1667 words per day, resulting in 50K words, or a short novel, by the end of the month. I love Nanowrimo! However, it’s not for everyone. I know several writers who have done it and chose never to embark on the challenge again.

This is the time I use to write the sequel to whatever book I’ve recently released. The piece of work at the end of the month is not ready for publication, but merely a sloppy copy, as my first graders refer to it. There will be edits, rewrites, and more edits before it’s ready for readers. The fun part for me is the challenge of getting through each day with at least the minimum required word count (I generally set my word count at 2K although it’s been a bit difficult this year since I’m editing my next release at the same time). Nevertheless, I enjoy the challenge and the daily writing excursion. So, if I’m not as visible or available during the month of November, now you know the reason.


Victorian Lady Kim

Author of haunted historical fiction

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