Bathtub Diaries, Replumbed, Demo Day!
Demo day is always exciting and frightening when you have an old house. As I said in my previous post, there were floor tiles halfway up the wall behind the toilet which I suspected hid a multitude of sins (i.e., rot).

The guys started chipping away the tile and behind it was...

cement board. Phew! But what was behind that?

Ta da! Studs and insulation! No rot! Well, not on the wall. Around the base of the toilet and the old tub there was rot on the floor which has since been repaired (see below:).

As you can see, no more worn out vanity...

or cracked tiles...

or linen closet. The pipe has been relocated:).

This section of the house was added in 1975. Here's some evidence of the flooring from that addition:).
Now that the bathroom is gutted and the rot repaired, it's time to start with the remodel.
Tune in tomorrow to see the new items which are currently being stored in the living room (ah, the joys of renovations. The rest of the house becomes a storage shed).
Blessings from the construction zone,